oZ, oZ,

74th major street
08208 sabadell
barcelona (spain)
0034 646 489 644
0034 687 728 575
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artwork: oZ, estudi.
® oZ, estudi 2011

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Here you can see a small sample of our most representative designs. They are shown as presented to the customer ... reality is on the street.

® All the rights of the works here exposed are a property of oZ, estudi. Prohibited his reproduction without assent of the author.

Graphic Design and Illustration

Graphic Design Mascota Vaso. oZ, estudioZ, estudi. Graphic Design VineoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Esportis mailingoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Ilsutració SabadelloZ, estudi. Graphic Design EsportisoZ, estudi. Graphic Design DiàlegsoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Nanai para BicoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Ciclo del aguaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design ODMoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Catálogo AlutecoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Endeka MarcaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Endeka TorneooZ, estudi. Graphic Design PuraVida 1oZ, estudi. Graphic Design MentálitasoZ, estudi. Graphic Design BiocleveroZ, estudi. Graphic Design BeautyworldoZ, estudi. Graphic Design TrainingGraphic Design e ilustración de Boda. oZ, estudioZ, estudi. Graphic Design PuraVida 2oZ, estudi. Graphic Design SanyhotoZ, estudi. Graphic Design WurthoZ, estudi. Graphic Design MMGoZ, estudi. Graphic Design GolooZ, estudi. Graphic Design SoundoZ, estudi. Graphic Design SitMobeloZ, estudi. Graphic Design veuremón ClasicoZ, estudi. Graphic Design TotoZ, estudi. Graphic Design ClownoZ, estudi. Graphic Design SurfingoZ, estudi. Graphic Design SakatingoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Cap Nen sense juguinaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design catálogo GonelioZ, estudi. Graphic Design festes majorsoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Mascota GM ViatgesoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Botella CavaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Derbi JungleoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Etiqueta y Botella CavaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design VeuremónoZ, estudi. Graphic Design GENEGEoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Derbi WaspoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Món de SomriuresoZ, estudi. Graphic Design SantamaríaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Eca GlobaloZ, estudi. Graphic Design SeliomoZ, estudi. Graphic Design EvoluzionaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design RebenqueoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Iintel.ligentoZ, estudi. Graphic Design InspectaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design SolmáticaoZ, estudi. Graphic Design Festa Major Santa Perpetua

Industrial Design and Engineering

Industrial Design Vaso. oZ, estudioZ, estudi. Industrial Design Relotge EclipseoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira GoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Vehicle B-01Industrial Design silla basic. oZ, estudioZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira DogoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Escenes CPT1oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira DubaiIndustrial Design Pulsador. oZ, estudioZ, estudi. Industrial Design Relotge TeídeoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Tamburet BoboZ, estudi. Industrial Design Relotge Up&DownoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira UrbancoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Display MinimaloZ, estudi. Industrial Design RadiadorsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design ZiguratoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Carret de GelatsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Punt de venda Pond'soZ, estudi. Industrial Design IfnovaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Caixa d'estricsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Punt de venda gelatsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design RadiadoroZ, estudi. Industrial Design lavabosoZ, estudi. Industrial Design RatiooZ, estudi. Industrial Design Llinterna PacificoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Ifnova 2oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Llum en corianoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Mobles gelateriaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Lavabo QuadratoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Taça de caféoZ, estudi. Industrial Design MotllosoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Joyco SoftoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Expositor ChupachupsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Motllos siliconaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Punt de venta gelatsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design per a LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Llum AlberinaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Expositor lollipopsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Ximeneies de SabadelloZ, estudi. Industrial Design Carro gelatsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Mobles per a gelateriesoZ, estudi. Industrial Design CadiresoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Promoció EcaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Display JunioroZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira AlutecoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Ampolla de cavaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design per a Lékué 2oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Escenes CPT 2oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Lékué 3oZ, estudi. Industrial Design GelateriesoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Lékué productesoZ, estudi. Industrial Design productes LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design penjadoroZ, estudi. Industrial Design Lékué 4oZ, estudi. Industrial Design mobiliari AlutecoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Punt de venta gelatoZ, estudi. Industrial Design siliconaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design en siliconaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design contenidor caramelsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design màquines apostasoZ, estudi. Industrial Design dispensador carameloZ, estudi. Industrial Design carte d'OroZ, estudi. Industrial Design pack carameloZ, estudi. Industrial Design silicona Lékué 5oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Punt de venta mòbiloZ, estudi. Industrial Design Packaging caramelsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Mobles gelatsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design en silicona per a LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design moblesoZ, estudi. Industrial Design amb lékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design per a carte d'OroZ, estudi. Industrial Design hogar i cuina lékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design lavabo kapsaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design escenes CPT 4oZ, estudi. Industrial Design mobles AlutecoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Discplay compacoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Varis LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design contenidor carameloZ, estudi. Industrial Design kilomètric packoZ, estudi. Industrial Design en silicona per a Lékué 20oZ, estudi. Industrial Design ampolla integral de cavaoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira GlassoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Kilomètric WrigleyoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Cadira PoliedricoZ, estudi. Industrial Design motllos silicona per a LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Escenes CPT 3oZ, estudi. Industrial Design Novelty caramelsoZ, estudi. Industrial Design fabricat en silicona LékuéoZ, estudi. Industrial Design Solucions per gelateriesoZ, estudi. Industrial Design TeoZ, estudi. Industrial Design per a JoycooZ, estudi. Industrial Design caramels JoycooZ, estudi. Industrial Design per a Carte d'Or

Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models

oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design Asa rozadoraoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design taburete boboZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design ZiguratoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design carribolozoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design silla FlexitoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design cerradura cajaoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design pieza cuna praiaoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design caja de herramientasoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design punto de venta heladosoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design contenedor EcaoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design volumetría muebleoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design acabados muebleoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design rotulooZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design volumen ICE TIMEoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design primeras piezasoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design Preserie Ice TimeoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design expositor funcionaloZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design expositor caramelosoZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 1oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 2oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 3oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 4oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 5oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 6oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 7oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 8oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 9oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 10oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 11oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 14oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 15oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 16oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design con fuhtah 17oZ, estudi. Stages of Workshop, Prototypes and Models of Industrial Design kilométrico test